King for a Day, Fool for a Lifetime

Posted in General, Other Nerdy Pursuits with tags , , on January 24, 2013 by theerivs

kingAhh Faith No More….Oh wait no the post is about the new show on TBS called King of the Nerds. I saw the first show, and I’m pretty much hooked. Now I usually don’t get hooked on reality TV, ok Duck Dynasty a little cause somewhere in me lives a southern hillbilly. For the most part I’m a Geek. Nerd’s are a different level of smartness then me and I don’t want to claim myself a Nerd with out a Ph’D. Well let’s get back to the show. I just saw one, but here are some observations.

HOSTS–  Robert Carradine, and Curtis Armstrong….or as we who remember the movie Revenge of the Nerds as Lewis, and Booger. Man I loved that movie, it spoke to me on so many levels. To see these guys host this show is pure awesome.

NERDVANA – Game Rooms, a Radio Shack Room, Play Weapons, I didn’t catch everything, but what I did catch makes me want to win the Lottery to get all that cool stuff, I’d have to probably buy a real house too…The girlfriend would never approve.

CONTESTENTS – There are some I liked, and a few I don’t. I won’t tell my complete thoughts, I’d be here all day. I think it’s a great mix though of geeks, and nerds and really look forward to them facing off. One thing I am sad about is the loss of Hendrik. In the first episode he stepped up, and volunteered to go to the nerd off. He showed courage and determination. I hope they bring him back somehow in the future.

CONTESTS – Well one was just picking the teams, and there was a real spin to it which I didn’t quite see coming. So I have to say that was awesome. Then for the Nerd Off they played a giant game of chess, with a TOTAL hottie moving the pieces…wow. me likey.

OVERALL: I like this show, and I’m looking forward to more, they celebrate the Nerd, but not make them a laughing stock. I think I have to show some love to Danielle aka Panser for the Warcraft love in the first episode which is cool.

It airs on Thursday nights at 10/9 CST

The Blessings of Nurgle, God of Decay

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , , on January 23, 2013 by theerivs

chosen1Sorry I haven’t been writing much, I haven’t been playing much I have been truly blessed by the god of sickness and decay, Grandfather Nurgle.  As I am feeling much better now, and escaping the God of Decay’s plots, others have plans of me. Perhaps Lord Tzentech has some use of me next. For the Ravens are going to the Super Bowl. The Changer of Ways has deemed it so.  For now let us march on to the laughing, and thirsting of Dark Gods.

On that note Mark Jacobs did a great interview of Massively talking about Warhammer Online.  I’m a huge fan of Mark Jacobs, and all he does…am I fan boy…perhaps, but unlike people who demand respect. Mark is one of the few people who earned my respect, he is honorable in victory, and defeat. He refuses to push people under the bus, and I think like a phoenix he will rise from the ashes once again. Reminds me of myself and few other friends who had a guild in Mark’s game called Dark Ages of Camelot. We walked away from one of the major guilds on the server, and started one called Phoenix Ascension and rose from the ashes to become the number one guild on our server.  As we move from the past of DAOC, and Warhammer, City State Entertainment releases another trailer, and if you look closely around the internet Mark is leaving breadcrumbs as to his design notes…

“Foundation Principle #5– Choice and your choices matters!

This game will offer the player a wide range of choices of race, skills, armor, weapons, etc. and every major choice you make will have an effect on your character. You want to play a 4’2, 70 pound girl who runs around in lingerie and still wants to play a fighter? Sure, go right ahead but we hope you have major medical insurance. OTOH, if you want to play a character that looks like a fighter but also has lots of non-fighter like abilities/skills/etc., this game will allow you to do it. There will also be real and meaningful differences between races, genders, etc. Choice like size, really does matter, no matter what some people say.” ~ Mark Jacobs.

It’s starting to get me hyped, and  leaving one question. Who’s ass do I have to start kissing to get into closed beta?

As I crawl out of my mire, and back into the world of the living I got some stuff I want to talk about, So stick around because I may get sick, and down, but I am never out. I am Iron Within, and Iron Without!!

Is using a premade addon like Oqueue, Wrong?

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on January 17, 2013 by theerivs

SHEEN-WINNING-CHICKSWell if it is wrong, I don’t want to be right….

For those that don’t know Oqueue is an addon that helps people from different servers form a premade and queue up together.  Now mostly the Horde uses it, but the Alliance is catching on, but alot more Alliance are against it the Horde.

There’s was a lengthy post about it on the Blizz Forums…I’m sure there’s more posts about it as well.

5 Reasons I don’t think Premade Addons are Wrong.

5. Not Cheating – It’s actually something you can do on your own, and without the addon, although much much harder. Hell we use to do it in AV as a guild many….many moons ago. Everyone stand at the gate and queue at the same time. That was when we use to win 12 hour AV’s in 10 minutes…ahh the good ole days.

4. No Bots – I’m sick of bots ruining my victories, aren’t you?

3. Like Minded People – I love being grouped with like minded people that want to win.

2. No Lazy People – Any one can run this addon, but it takes a little extra effort….OMG NO!

1. It’s BI-WINNING! – I like to win, and I like gear…, and Charlie Sheen approves of this addon…so STFU!

But don’t come to me with problems come to me with solutions like this…


Looking for a New Writer

Posted in MMORPG, Writing with tags , , on January 15, 2013 by theerivs

Let me start off by saying Bee was a great writer, and I loved her attitude, I really can’t fill her shoes….but I can find a new voice, and encourage someone new to blog. it’s time HLL looked for another ying to my yang. To bring a new voice to this blog, freshen things up, and to make the place smell nicer.

I’m looking for preferably a female, someone who loves to write about MMO’s, I prefer someone who plays mainly WoW. I’m looking for someone new to blogging who wants to have a built in audience for their writing.

Now don’t let what I’m looking for dissuade you, even if you don’t fit the bill I’m looking for contact me and we’ll talk. Contact me at cc0926(at)

Weekly Lagout

Posted in MMORPG with tags on January 11, 2013 by theerivs

High Latency Living –

Welp just hitting the WoW pvp, and grinding my Warrior in Guild Wars 2. was thinking of taking up online poker again…let’s see if the GF will allow those shenigans.

High Latency Love –

Kill Ten Rats always drives one or two people my way, so I thought I would give them some love. Their writing is always pretty top notch, so if you don’t know who they are…shame on you.

High Latency Laugh –

I hate when ladies creep on me too

With that…



My Mario Skills Are Not Leet

Posted in MMORPG with tags , on January 11, 2013 by theerivs

princessThere are few things that really bother me about Guild Wars 2, first is there it’s damn near impossible for me to find groups for dungeons, so much so I haven’t even been in one, and just gave up for now, and doing alot of WvW to break the monotony of my grinding, but this doesn’t really rile me up as much as my other issue.

The damn things you need to jump for, like vistas, and or skill challenges. I also hear later on you have jumping puzzles to get superior siege. If I wanted to play Mario, and rescue some princesses I would, and lets be honest I suck at that stuff. I come from a fighter game background, I played Scorpion ripping out spines, not Luigi fighting Fungus. So I’ll probably never complete a map, and I’m pretty ok with that….but sometimes I wish I didn’t need to do this in Guild Wars 2.

 I’m just glad there’s not a Princess waiting for me…she’d be waiting a long…long time.

Excuse me, was that my ass you just handed to me?

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , , on January 10, 2013 by theerivs

cowgirlSo me and my nephew stepped into our first Arenas in the might World of Warcraft. WOW we have a lot of work to do in WoW.  See what I did thar?

Our gear was horrible, we had no clue what we’re doing, and I knew we were going to get our balls bashed in. I still enjoyed my time doing them. It was a great learning experience, and kind of a test of where we stand, and what we will be facing.First match we faced a disc priest, and a DK, the other two matches we’re against a frost mage, and a DK. I was locked out through CC alot of times. Maybe two DPS is the way to go in 2v2. I’m really starting to hate DK’s…ok..ok…hate them more.In the past you got points for just playing in the Arenas, those days are over. You have to actually win these days. So I won’t return until I get some better gear going on. I’ll also have to read up on tactics, strats, and tips.

Like I said even though I got my assed handed to me, it was exciting and fun to mix it up.

Don’t make me angry

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on January 9, 2013 by theerivs

Hulk-the-incredible-hulk-14044617-1280-960You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry. I have a weird fascination with The Hulk. Yes I even enjoyed the Ang Lee Hulk abortion…though the Ed Norton movie was way better, and the way the Hulk was handled in the Avengers…meh.

So I got an email about the Marvel Super Hero free to play MMO that’s coming out soon. You can pre purchase heroes skins. I’m a little confused though you play as a hero you like, or you just have a skin that looks like them. I’ll have to do some digging to get more info. I really like the Marvel Universe, so even though I’m not huge on Superhero MMO’s , I’m going to keep my eye on this one..and may even play it. Cause if I can play as the Hulk…I’ll have a big green boner.

There’s no place like home

Posted in MMORPG with tags , on January 9, 2013 by theerivs

So I’m back to World of Warcraft, and despite the fact I really like Guild Wars 2, it just feels good to me…it feels right.

This worries me because am I too engrossed in WoW to like other MMO’s as much as I like WoW, or is it the fact I know this MMO like the back of my hand, as they say better the devil you know, then the devil you don’t.

Though one of the reasons I am back to WoW is my nephew. He’s 20 now, I remember when he was 15, I showed him the wonderful world of Azeroth, and now he’s older and can afford his own subscription he wants to PvP with me and crush our enemies, see them driven before us and hear the lamentation of the women.

What can I say the apple doesn’t fall far from the asshole tree. Still I feel trapped a little in WoW. Will I ever break out of it? Do I really want too?

Weekly Lagout

Posted in MMORPG with tags on January 4, 2013 by theerivs

High Latency Living –

Welp I’m going to reup my WoW sub today, so I can do some PvPing with my nephew. He made a warrior, so I think a warrior dps/holy pally will be fun indeed. I’m still going to grind out my warrior in Guild Wars 2.  These two things should keep me busy for a bit. Uhm I’ve been on a Diet Root Beer kick lately…thought I would share.

High Latency Love –

Let’s give some Holy Pally Love to BossyPally. A great writer, and a great player.

High Latency Laugh –

Bosom Buddies

With that…