Weekly Lagout

Posted in MMORPG with tags on February 15, 2013 by theerivs

High Latency Living –

Well just going to finish off my PvP set with Dreadful for my Pallie, and work on getting a little more conquest. Don’t know if I should upgrade the one piece I have, or get another piece and try for more conquest. Decisions…decisions. I just wish Blizz would allow more currency conversion. I have about 1500 Valor just sitting there collecting dust.

High Latency Love –

Though my mage side of me is loathe to do this, my pally side is all about love, and healing. If you love Warlocks go visit Amijade, and Warlocky and tell’em a dirty mage sent you.

High Latency Laugh –


With that….


It Burns When I PvP

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on February 13, 2013 by theerivs

s-STRIPPERS-largeI love AV Call to Arms. I load up on the honor fast. There are some surprising wins, but this morning it was mostly losses. Alot of it has to do with those damn Bots. For some reason when the bots are out farming some obscure place I don’t really mind. Hell keep those AH prices down. When they are in my BG, messing all that shit up, it drives me insane. Thats why I love the add on Oqueue. To be in a BG with all live players is great.

Well some major changes coming up to PvP in WoW….

Here’s an  article for your enjoyment.

MMO Champion…


Decision…decisions is right.  Here’s my plan. I just need the Dreadful Helm, and Dreadful Bracers to complete my set. I’m going to get those this AV CTA, but then the rest of the time I’m going to bank my honor, and try to reach cap. I’m going to also try to get my Conquest points up to get one more Malevolent Piece, so I don’t have an Conquest left that converts to honor. So when 5.2 comes out I can get my weapon I hope, and maybe another piece of Mal.

Summon the Ice Lord!

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on February 11, 2013 by theerivs

snowThis weekend was filled with PvP fun, and I got some more PvP gear but two events led by my buddy/guildie aka Linax on his pally, or Aurellian on his mage really was the bomb. I’m old school so I’ll still call him Bit which is short for Bitaken, that’s his Armsmens name from the Dark Age of Camelot days…old habits break hard.

Let’s start with I met a bunch of new peeps via Oqueue and we did a 9 man premade for the Call to Arms which was the mines. They we’re a fun bunch of people, and that’s what I like about the Oqueue add on which it brings like minded people together…to crush our opponents. Also did a bunch with my guildies and that was really fun. I love running with my guildies more than anything….it’s what I live for.  

The highlight of the weekend though was two premades we made for  Isle of Conquest, and Alterac Valley. I never did these two BG’s in a premade before, and let me tell you it was an experience.  IoC is not my favorite BG to begin with, but when your in a well organized premade it makes it alot…alot better. Couple things of note is that there are some bots roaming around, and being part of a premade I’m glad it cuts down on this for our side. I saw this pally just following the same path, we kill him, he’d do the same thing over…and over again. It was comical…yet sad.

But the pure highlight of the evening was being part of an AV where we summoned the Ice Lord.  I haven’t seen the Ice Lord since pre BC, and even then it was odd indeed. I think the greatest is when Alliance came to fight Galv, we all came running in to stop them. They we’re probably, “what the hell?”. Then to see the Ice Lord kill, and kill until he reached Vandar was pure awesome, and he got pretty big. In fact I heard he can get bigger then what I saw him.

And to sugar coat this all Bit, aka Linax/Aurellian is getting a little recognition for his leadership skills by the guys who made Oqueue which is purely awesome.


Weekly Lagout

Posted in MMORPG with tags on February 8, 2013 by theerivs

High Latency Living –

I broke the 6k resilience mark last night when I spent some conquest for some shoulders. Though I don’t know if I should be holding onto my honor now and wait for 5.2. Seems to be alot of awesome gear coming out. I think I just might bank some honor. I’m really excited about Mark Jacobs, and CSE Entertainments new game, but we’re a LONG way away so I should put the hype in check a bit. It’s hard with such awesome posts though..

I think I might be going Viking this time. I do love my Vikings.

High Latency Love –

Been awhile since I gave Spinks some love. Awesome blogger, and been around for like forever….stop by there, and say Riv sent ya.

High Latency Laugh –

I’d be working for NASA too

With that…


I don’t want another DAOC2

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on February 6, 2013 by theerivs

miriam-wowAs Mark Jacobs puts out a Dev Blog, I would have to agree with him. I mean I loved Dark Ages of Camelot. It what started my love of MMORPGS. There’s alot of things in DAOC though that can be brought over to Camelot Unchained. I’m going to list a few of them.

5 things from DAOC I would like to see in Camelot Unchained.

1. Unique Classes – I like classes with flavor. In DAOC each class was different, a healer on Albion side, wasn’t the same thing as a Healer on Hiberian side. Sure they both healed, but clerics smited, and I may or may not be correct tree hugging healers were mezzers (Crowd Controllers too) I don’t really know I hated those tree hugging bastards. My point is difference, and no cookie cutting.

2. Realm Pride – Pick a side, and be a part of that side. If you make an Arthurian toon on one server, you can’t have a Viking on the same server. I think not having toons on different sides  on the same server will help a long way in forcing people to choose a side, and stick with it.

3. Class Interdependency – Healers can’t kill shit, and DPS can’t last long without healers, and they all need some heavily armored monsters taking the hits. This way it allows for awesome team building,  and doesn’t make one class more important than the other.

4. Challenges – I use to love a good Mile Gate battle in DAOC, it presented a challenge. The Defenders were there, it was a choke point, and we had to play our very best to overcome them, and when we did…wow….it was awesome.

5. Darkness Falls Type Place – Darkness Falls was a dungeon only one side controlled at a time, when the other side won it they cleared out the losing side. Nothing inspired more blood lust when we got control of DF in DAOC, or nothing inspired more fear then sitting there solo and seeing that the enemies just took control….a gank was incoming. I know this game is strictly RvR, but DF was fun.

These are just a few of the concepts i enjoyed in DAOC, which I think can be brought to Camelot Unchained in a new format, but still have the spirit there.

P.S. I apologize the picture has nothing to do with the post… That picture is for a friend of mine since he was harping on me, I never post pictures of hotties lately….enjoy.

I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it.

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on February 5, 2013 by theerivs

flashdance1Bring back the Smite Cleric Damn it!

Some great news coming out of City State Entertainment with a new teaser. Also Mark Jacobs gives us some more info in a great article on Massively telling us more about the new project Camelot Unchained.

Is it going to be niche with PvP only? Sure is. I think though if done right it will have a great core following and be a success. I like PvP, and so do most of my fellow players in the guild.

I’m really looking forward to this, and if I had a soul I would sell it to get into closed beta.



Weekly Lagout

Posted in MMORPG with tags on February 1, 2013 by theerivs

High Latency Life –

Hopefully get some PvP in, with some gold farming in WoW. Might hit up Guild Wars 2 if I got some time.

High Latency Love –

I feel dirty doing this but let’s give a Warlock some love Ami over at Warlockery is doing the grooling 20 days of blogging thing, so go over and check it out. Someone who loves Red Swedish Fish aren’t all that bad..

High Latency Laugh-


With that…





One Lone Beastie I Be

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , , on February 1, 2013 by theerivs

Beastie Boys Studio PortraitSo one of my latest obsessions is soloing stuff. I always did enjoy going through old content and tearing it up for fun and profit. The other day I headed into Magtheridon. I crushed him literally. I got some good stuff, as well a 20 slot bag which was nice to use in my bank replacing one of the 16 slot bags I use in there. I might have to head back and get more bags.

Now I do a Heroic  Halls of Lightening run every so often cause I heard Books of Glyph Mastery drop in there a lot. I also heard that those books fetch a decent price. (lowest price one is 199 gold on my server right now)  Well to no avail, no books, but I do get 100-150 gold a run which is nothing to sneeze at, and I actually get rep, and a few honor points, sure only like 15 but hey it’s pure bonus really for a run that takes literally 15 minutes if that.

Last night I got it in my head to try Gruul. Well I got to High King Maulger, and I was stopped. Between the Warlock douchebag (Olm the Summoner), another reason I hate Warlocks, fearing me, and some other douche polymorphing me every few seconds I couldn’t get the fat ogre bitches down. I wanted to kill the priest first cause if I didn’t he kept healing others. Maybe there’s a better strat to solo these a-holes, or I might have to bring a DPS friend.

For right now my dreams of seeing Gruul’s crotch again will have to wait.


Farmer in the Dell

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , , on January 28, 2013 by theerivs

farmer1So one aspect of Mists of Panderia I thought was the stupidest idea ever was the Farmville thing. Really we’re gonna play Farmville in World of Warcraft. Really?

Well here we are a while later, and guess who’s farming Motes of Harmony…..yeah this guy.

I guess it all started out of boredom. I did a little here and there….next thing I knew I had a couple more plots. So I did a little more, and more. Until all of a sudden I was revered, and can farm those damn motes. Ok I’m hooked now.

It’s funny how you can go from hating an idea, but over time, and out of boredom you get use to something, and tolerate. Oh by no means do I enjoy this farming crap. I do it out of pure need, I want Spirits of Harmony. I want ALOT of them.

So now I’m farming my ass off, hoping one day I can make an asston of gold off this endeavor.

Weekly Lagout

Posted in MMORPG with tags on January 25, 2013 by theerivs

High Latency Living – 

Yeah so I’m getting over being sick, and I’m looking forward to getting some gaming in. Doing alot of Poker playing, I have a Texas Hold’em Tournament for charity this Saturday.  Really digging that show King of Nerds. I hate the chick Alana with every shred of my body….Virgil is right under her for my hate.

High Latency Love –

Some love to Panser who is on the King of Nerds show.

High Latency Laugh –

King of Nerds

With that..