Is Multiboxing Wrong?

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on March 7, 2013 by theerivs

TripletsAs I am reading this thread some things I have to ponder

Lets get some things up on the desk. I use an addon called Oqueue which connects be to others who PvP. I love it, it kind of revitalized the game for me. This addon was created by a multiboxer. Blizzard disabled the /follow command in battlegrounds, which really hindered multiboxers. In reaction the person who created this addon, and supports may no longer do that.

The real question at hand is Multiboxing wrong?

Couple points I want to make….

1. Is it wrong? – No. Why didn’t Blizzard make against the ToS. Clearly botting is wrong, so if they don’t like multiboxing just say so from the start. Clearly Blizzard doesn’t take too much umbrage from Multiboxers or they would of stopped it from the start.  If they also thought it was so wrong, why only stop follow in BG’s or Instances, and not everywhere.

2. Is it unfair? No…I’m a healer who gets focused fires and dies..alot. So what is the difference between ganked by 5 toon run by 5 people, or 5 toons run by one….Nothing in my book.

3. Is it the easy way? – No. I think leveling up 5 toons, gettine them all geared then learning how to do it all….is not the easy way out for sure.

4. Is this a victory over Bots?  –  No, I would rather have one person running 5 toons, then 1 person and 4 bots. I think that’s why this is not a victory removing follow over the bots, it helps them to create more space in Random BG’s. Also I know Bots, and Bots work…don’t ask me how, that’s a tale for another time. I will say this Bots that use follow are very rare, and if they use follow they will be caught very quickly. Most good botting programs use things like pathing, or collision detection.  

5. Can Role Players still follow each other in taverns?  – Yes…and that’s why I’m pissed about this whole subject. 

Seriously though I never had that much issue with multiboxers, I would just take my lickings and move on which for me is few and far between. Let them spend their 75 bucks a month, and enjoy the game how they want, and I’ll enjoy my game how I want. Though I don’t multibox….now that I see so many people hate it I might start multiboxing, and make some people cry.

Brand New Patch Smell

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on March 6, 2013 by theerivs

Car-Girl-562___466x349Well the new patch is out, and I got to do some things.

– I went to the Isle of Thunder and did some dailies, looked at the gear of the Sunreaver Onslaught. It’s full of Meh, but I have to work on getting to exalted, I want my Triceratops mount damn it. As a pally tank, I love the kill X amount quests. Round them all up, and kill them all.

– I did the quest to promote Farmer Yoon, and the Farm is all mine. Muhahaha. I started doing work orders, lookign forward to finally getting something more then motes of harmony for my farming efforts…damn you WoW Farmville. Now I’m hooked. Also got to try a couple things I used my plow to run over vermin in untilled soil, and the soil bugged out I couldn’t till it. I also tried seed bags….AWESOME time saver.

– I got some new PvP gear, and I’m dropping it like it’s hot.

Overall I’m digging alot of things in this patch, and I’m looking to really make a dent this PvP season.

Is that a Direhorn in your Pocket?

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , , on March 4, 2013 by theerivs

hot girl 6Or you just happy to see me?

Welp new patch is coming out, and I can’t say I’m not excited. Even though I have some more honor farming to do tonight. I thought I would share some of things I’m looking forward to.

1. New PvP Season – I’m actually ready for the start of a season instead of playing catch up. I got JP capped, and hopefully honor will be capped tonight, so I hopefully can get a weapon, shield, and a piece or two as well. Also excited when I finish up my mage, I can craft some PvP gear, and not be totally sucky.

2. Gold – I’ve been stocking Ghost Iron, and I hope all the wanna be Blacksmiths buy all mine up. Let’s just say Chinese Farmers are jealous of how much I farm Ghost Iron.

3. New MountBad Ass Triceratops…the only reason I’ll do quests.

4. PvP Quests – Earn some extra honor…yes please.

5. New Tiller Stuff – Ok I’m an addict now…it’s just for the Motes of Harmony…I Swear! Though the Work Orders will get me some much needed Rep with factions I hate doing quests for.

You looking forward to anything in this patch?

Weekly Lagout

Posted in MMORPG with tags on March 1, 2013 by theerivs

High Latency Living-

So the season ends Tuesday, and I’m going to have a mad rush this weekend, and Monday to cap everything, and stock up a little on gold.  Last night was in an AV with a bunch of guildies, and we summoned the Icelord. Those bastards on the  Alliance side bugged him out. I can’t stay mad though I love Night Elf Strippers.  My pvp healer xmog set is hot as hell I have to say, got the red working, but it isn’t overpowering. I’m turning into a Fashionista I know.

High Latency Love –

I love the show King of the Nerds, and they are looking for people. I think I’m a tad to old but if you want to sign up here’s the link.

King of the Nerds.

If you get on cause of me, I want a shout out damn it.

High Latency Laugh –

Using Twitter like Email

With that…


Neverwinter Blues

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on February 28, 2013 by theerivs

drow2Ahh Cryptic you are doing it again, you are tempting me with a hot and spicy dish, but I’m worried it will end up a soggy sandwich in the end.

Let’s go back to Star Trek Online. I bought a Collectors Edition, and I thought this would be the awesomest game EVER! Turns out space combat and PvP was cool, but that’s about it. Nothing else appealed to me in this game. I felt burned.

Here we are a couple years later and as I’m looking at the Website for Neverwinter.  I’m thinking a few things…


Spider Mount…Awesome

200 bucks to get them…..FUCK YOU!

I have to spend 200 bucks to get that piece of awesomness. There isn’t any way, and I feel that it’s a set up to be burned. I just don’t trust Cryptic anymore, so I may or may not check out Neverwinter because it’s free to play, but it’s got to be pretty fantastic for me to stay.  If you can play an Lawful Evil Character AND make some Evil choices……well I might give them some money.

I’m Too Sexy For My Tabard

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on February 27, 2013 by theerivs

Riv1Transmogging is one of those things I thought I would NEVER get into. I’m a man’s man not some fashion model that likes to parade around in a fancy dress. Though I am highly individualistic, and my machismo wore down to the fact I like looking different then everyone else. As time went by I did some Transmogging, but nothing too serious, like I would be oh this dagger looks hot, or that shield would look awesome.

Last night in my quest for my turtle, and hit exalted with the Pandas, which I did achieve, I also achieved exalted with Thrallmar. So I look at the rewards, and there’s shoulders, and gloves which are red, and look pretty decent so I buy them. There was an awesome sword too but it wasn’t transmogging which is horseshit. As well as the rewards,  I also farm heroic instances, and I get alot of drops. Well I take a look at them, and I feast my eyes on the coolest looking helm. It looks straight almost like a Roman Helmet, but the greatest thing is it matched my red shoulders and gloves so great, add to the mix my Horde Shield. It all adds up to one thing…..

I’m one Sexy Bitch!

Hero in a Half Shell

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on February 26, 2013 by theerivs

turtle-power-38NjsSo I did a little PvP this weekend, but what I’m really doing right now is working on my, and if I’m spelling it wrong I don’t care but the Hujon Pandaren Faction. Why? I want a turtle mount damn it. Ok I admit I like fluff, especially mounts. When I saw a guildie on a turtle, and the turtle went in it shell. I LOVED IT.  I got my tabard, and I’m farming away Heroics in BC, and Wrath. What I noticed is I’m making some killer gold. Like 500 gold a day almost. I was like Whoa. This might be something I do all the time. Better then wasting my honor on daggers, and selling them.

Hopefully I’ll have my turtle today, or tomorrow the latest, so I can go back to banking some more honor. March 5th is coming fast.

Weekly Lagout

Posted in MMORPG with tags on February 22, 2013 by theerivs

High Latency Living –

I’ll be just working on farming, and banking some honor. I’m going to convert my honor to justice points until that’s capped, then work on getting my honor capped. If I get enough Conquest points until March 5th, the supposed end of the season I’ll try to upgrade one of my Mal pieces.

High Latency Love –

He’s back and more motivated as ever. I thought we got rid of Scary, but like a bad rash he came back. Go stop by Scary Worlds, and give him the dirty finger for me.

High Latency Laugh –

I’m an avid King of the Nerds fan….here’s the Servants of the Forsaken Orb Nerd Anthem.

With that….


I Roleplay a Underpaid Migrant Farmer

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on February 21, 2013 by theerivs

churningSo let’s take a break from the PvP talk, and discuss how the hell instead of a great healer, or a mage I’m doing farm chores everyday.

Let me start off to the fact I hate Motes of Harmony. The whole concept was stupid to the tenth power. I think I got a total of 9 of them when I was leveling to 90.  So they says get Revered with the Tiller Faction, and then you can literally farm Motes. Well I’ve been doing just that. I have to say it wasn’t hard, but it took daily dedication to my little farm. Now it’s paying off big time.

I’m still not 100% happy though, cause I HATE doing it….no hate isn’t a strong enough word. I want to say loathe, perhaps despise.

When I signed up to play a MMORPG, I wanted to be a warrior, or epic hero of some kind. I don’t want to play a migrant farm worker who works hard picking weeds, and gets paid nothing.

I did get a goat mount though, I named him Otega cause he’s a guildie that loves goats.

Don’t PvP on my Head, and Say it’s Raining

Posted in MMORPG with tags , , on February 19, 2013 by theerivs

hooker-018As the patch 5.2 comes closer I am left with some hard choices. I need to have capped honor, or close enough to it (so when my conquest points convert they will be able to). Now here’s the questions at hand…

1. When is this damn patch coming out? – I hear end of Feb. I hear beginning of March….Depending who you talk to it’s different story. When is Blizz going to give a heads up, or will they?

2. What to do with Dreadful? – Off the bat I probably can’t afford all Malevolent gear from Honor. So should I upgrade some of my Dreadful to fill in the gaps until I can get all Mal gear.

3. What’s going to be the new numbers to aim for in terms of resil, and power? – Things are getting upgraded, so I’m sure I’m going to need bigger numbers everywhere.

I’m a little pissed, I just got decked out in Dreadful, and working on Malevolent….now I got news hey you need ALL new shit. I just wish this game wasn’t so damn gear dependent. I remember the days of old when Skill > Gear….now I’m thinking those days are long gone in WoW.