WoW: The New Argent Tournament 5 man

Besides the new mounts, cool gear, new pets, and uber lag of yesterday, and all my mods being crap. I did the 5 man new instance of the Colosseum.

Normal and Heroic basically the same thing just harder. I was Horde, so all I faced were Alliance foes. This is what I found hope it helps.

First thing is first, grab a lance from a rack if you don’t have one. Then grab yourself a mount, get your shields up to max.  Your getting ready to joust. You joust 3 teams, with 3 grunts so to speak, and one boss on each team. Strategy is important, your team should be on the same page. Kill all the grunts. Then you face the 3 bosses. Each boss is a different class. I faced a mage/rogue/shaman once, then a shaman/rogue/hunter another time. So there is some randomness in this instance.  You have to work together on the jousting the bosses, because if you get one down, the boss will try to mount another horse. So one strategy we used was to have one person on each boss, then the other two people work on each one in turn.

Once you have knocked all 3 of these bosses of their mounts, you get knocked off your mounts, and fight hand to hand. Switch your weapons out fast, and have your tank pick up aggro fast.  Kill these guys a chest drops.

Your done jousting, next phase a boss comes out with three groups of 3 mobs. The mobs are Priest/LightWielder/Monk.  You can pull the 3 groups one at a time. Starting over far left, we kill the priest, then the lightwielder, then the Monk last. Monk does some wierd ability at the end call Final Meditation. So thats why he’s last.

At this phase we faced two different bosses so far. We faced two so far. The Confessor, ad a Tank Pally sort. Tank Pally sort pretty easy.  He does a Hammer of Righteousness that hurts pretty hard on the target, he also does blinding ability, just turn around, and you won’t go blind. Healers just dont look at him at all you’ll be ok.  The Confessor is a priest type toon. When she gets down to a certain point she calls a Memory which is an old type boss. One thing this Memory has is a fear ability so be aware of that. You can not kill the Confessor until you kill the Memory, the Confessor shields herself when the Memory is up.

After you kill this boss, another Chest drops and on to the last boss of the fight. The Black Knight.

Black Knight has 3 phases. 

Phase 1: Is pure tank and spank, he summons a ghoul.  If you kill the Black Knight first, the ghoul explodes if you don’t kill him fast.

Phase 2: He turns all skeleton like, and summons an army of the dead. Best way he handled this is group up and AOE like a mug. On Heroic it hurts so healers be on your toes.

Phase 3: He turns into a spirit form, pretty easy. He targets one toon, tries to burn him down, and does some minor AOE.

Afterthoughts : I went in with well skilled, well geared people on Vent. Pallie Tank, Treetard, a Shadow Priest,  Elemental Shaman, and me as Arcane Mage.  So with a lesser organized group it might get a little rough. The gear that drops on Normal is all level 200 stuff, on Heroic all 219, some 226. Alot of leather was dropping too. Are Treetard got alot of offspec stuff.  Normal you get Champion Seals, on Heroic Conquest badges. For the type of gear you get, it’s well worth it. I got some sick stuff yesterday. With this great stuff though, why would I do Ulduar which takes forever.

I sense the death of the Hardcore Raider soon.

7 Responses to “WoW: The New Argent Tournament 5 man”

  1. That is the tricky part. Why are you doing these 5 mans? To get gear? If so, what for? Seems like it should be to go kill a boss (raid). But if you are not a raider, you may not get that chance even if you have the gear. So what is the gear for?

  2. theerivs Says:

    Well there is a new 10/25 man raid I haven’t seen yet. …Wait a minute back to WAR you. LOL!

  3. Hehe, but if you are not able to raid… what’s the point? 🙂

    I can be in multiple places at once 😉

  4. theerivs Says:

    Good question, if your not a raider what would be the point of getting better, and better gear. Well as you progress in gear the 5 mans do become easier. WoW has lowered some of the Raids to 10 man versions, so better gear will help with that.

    I come from the time where there were 40 man raids, and we would raid 4 to 5 days a week. Now the number is 25, but if you can see the content in 10 man, and get that done in one day. Whats the point of being hardcore anymore.

  5. I am not a raider, but the point of getting better gear is this: to be able to do things easier. If I have mediocre level 80 gear, I can kill things at a mediocre rate, but with better gear, better kill rate! This helps with questing for gold, working on random achievements. Heroics and other dungeons, etc. Even if you don’t raid, having better gear is nice all around. I think too for those that don’t raid, epics still are epic. Many people don’t still feel that way, but I watch my guild members (we all don’t raid) get their first epic from a dungeon or craft one up themselves and they link it in excitement. Epics still are epic to some people.

  6. Not a raider either anymore. I am going to try out the 5 man tonight with your guide. Many thanks!

  7. Ignore the haters, I was wondering what was in that instance and you shared what mattered, gj.

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